Join the Cabrini Youth Family


Middle School Registration (7th-8th)

If you are a parent/guardian of a 7th or 8th grader, please click the button below to register them for our Middle School Ministry (EDGE) for the 2023-2024 year! You can find more information on our Middle School Ministry page.

High School Registration (9th-12th)

If you want to get your angsty or not so angsty teenager out of the house more, then we would highly encourage you to register them for our High School Ministry by clicking the button below. You can find more information on our High School Ministry page.

RCIT Registration (7th-12th)

Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens (RCIT) is for 7th-12th graders who are interested in receiving the Catholic sacraments. This class is open to anyone, even if your teen has received all of their sacraments and just wants to learn more about their Faith. RCIT meets on Tuesday evenings during the 2023-2024 academic year.